Peer pressure is not limited to school playgrounds. It exists within workplaces, family units, adult friendships and marital relationships alike. As people become more intimately involved, expectations invariably arise regarding the rules of relationship and tribal order.
But, in the same way that we should not seek to control others or situations, we should be aware not to allow others or situations to control us. Maintaining healthy boundaries is about recognising where our principles and those of the people we are interacting with are not the same. It is about cultivating healthy relationships.
You’ve heard it’s amazing, but do you actually know why meditation is good for you?
Meditation is a practice of mastery over the mind. You begin to lead your thoughts and emotions instead of being led by them. Awareness of your inner and outer world increases and you experience greater connection, health and happiness. Have you ever heard that saying that life is what happens when you’re busy making plans? In fact, doesn’t it seem that nothing ever goes according to plan? We try to organise our work life, our social life, our relationships and our personal life. We try to take everything into account to stay on top of things and keep everybody happy.
November 2023