Given all the conditioning we are subjected to, telling us of all the duties we must perform and all the reasons why we cannot take time out for ourselves, perhaps it is time we actually look at the reasons why we should take time out to go on a yoga retreat.
Life is full of ups and downs, no matter how rich or popular you are. Practical issues may range from having to vacate your apartment within a week and having nowhere to live, to having the tax man poke your ribs about your undeclared income. Emotional issues may range from feeling abandoned and rejected by those you care about to feelings of uncertainty as to the true motives of the people flocking around you. The dramas of life are plenty and the stories in which they unfold can come in endless variations.
Life offers many teachers in many different forms. We can recognise and honour all our teachers during the full moon of Guru Purnima.
Guru Purnima occurs on a full moon in the middle of summer, around July. On this full moon, we remember all those who brought into our consciousness the light of knowledge that dispels the darkness of ignorance. It is an auspicious day dedicated to all our gurus and teachers. The timeless equation and an ideal we’re all consciously or unconsciously pursuing – a good work/life balance. Some seem to have nailed it effortlessly, aligning their work with their passion so that the demands on mind and body remain pleasantly manageable.
When you see your thoughts like a conscious sky sees clouds coming and going, they are no longer unwelcome. They simply are, existing in the boundless Now. They can be embraced as mere experience, another image on the flickering TV of the mind. You, as Awareness, remain untouched and the true ‘Present Moment’ is allowed to unfold at its own will.
November 2023